Interning with Zuri team

Interning with Zuri team

Benefits of internship

We can all agree that finding a job as a self-taught programmer can be a challenge, especially if you don’t have experience. so,

Internships are a great way for college students, recent graduates, or anyone considering a career change to obtain valuable work experience.

Recently register for an internship at Zuri team and I was accepted as a front-end intern, the internship is an 8-week hands-on project. This will be a big game-changer for me, As I have never done real projects since I started learning to code.

What I'm looking to learn from this internship

Gain a valuable working experience as I have never done any real project before this will be an opportunity for me to apply acquired knowledge to real work experiences

Develop and refine skills looking forward to learning my strength and weakness, as I will have feedback from my mentors and my fellow interns.

Networking this internship will provide me with an opportunity to learn from others ask questions and maybe in the future, they can be my colleagues or people who will connect me with jobs.

Gain confidence this will be an opportunity to apply what I have learned in a safe environment where mistakes are expected, rather than learn the hard way in my first job.

Resource to use during the internship

since you need to show some effort before asking questions, I asked myself, what can I do, read, or where can I go for answers whenever I'm stuck.

I came up with the following resources:

  • Learn git with Mosh Hamedani this will be a great starting point to master the fundamentals and the essential commands.
  • Getting Started with building a website with HTML, CSS, and Javascript by Craig Shoemaker

Thank you Zuri team for giving me this opportunity, Hope to make this opportunity beneficial to me and to others. **

Follow me Twitter @Skihuni