How to Build a Task Manager API with Django REST Framework (Step-by-Step Guide)
Table of contents
Django is a powerful web framework, but when combined with Django REST Framework (DRF), it becomes a go-to tool for building RESTful APIs. Whether you're developing a backend for a mobile app, a React frontend, or simply exploring API development, DRF streamlines the process with its robust features.
This step-by-step tutorial will set up a Task Manager API using Django and DRF. By the end, you’ll have a fully functional Django project with DRF installed, ready to create API endpoints.
Before diving into building your Task Manager API with Django REST Framework, ensure you have:
Python 3.8+ installed (download from if needed)
Basic knowledge of Python and Django
Familiarity with the command line
These essentials will help you follow along smoothly.
Step 1: Create a Virtual Environment
Start by setting up a project folder and a virtual environment to keep dependencies isolated:
# Create a project folder
mkdir taskmanager && cd taskmanager
# Create a virtual environment
python -m venv env
# Activate the virtual environment (Windows)
# Activate the virtual environment (Mac/Linux)
source env/bin/activate
Once activated, your terminal will show (env), confirming the virtual environment is active.
Step 2: Install Django and Django REST Framework
Next, install Django and Django REST Framework using pip:
pip install django djangorestframework
Verify the installation:
python -m django --version
You’ll see the Django version number if installed correctly. Django Version Check
Now, update your INSTALLED_APPS in taskmanager/ to include DRF:
Step 3: Start a Django Project
Initialize a new Django project called taskmanager:
django-admin startproject taskmanager .
The dot (.) ensures the project is created in the current directory.
Your project structure should now look like this:
│── taskmanager/ # Project settings
│── # Django management script
│── env/ # virtual env
Test the setup by running the server:
python runserver
Visit in your browser to see Django’s welcome page.
Step 4: Create a Django App for Tasks
Django projects are made up of smaller apps. So let’s create an app called tasks:
python startapp tasks
Now, the Updated project structure should look like this:
│── tasks/ # New Django app
│── taskmanager/ # Project settings
│── # Django management script
│── env/ # virtual env
Register the app in taskmanager/
'rest_framework', # Django REST Framework
'tasks', # Register the tasks app
Step 5: Configure Django REST Framework
DRF provides many built-in features like authentication, serialization, and request handling. Add this configuration to taskmanager/
'rest_framework.permissions.AllowAny', # Change this later for security
This setup:
Enables basic authentication for API requests
Allows anyone to access the API (we'll restrict this later)
Step 6: Create a Simple Model for Tasks
Define a Task model in tasks/
from django.db import models
class Task(models.Model):
title = models.CharField(max_length=255)
description = models.TextField(blank=True, null=True)
completed = models.BooleanField(default=False)
created_at = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True)
def __str__(self):
return self.title
Apply the model to the database:
python makemigrations tasks
python migrate
Congrats! You’ve set up a Django project with Django REST Framework and created a tasks app for your Task Manager API. You’re now ready to build API endpoints!
What’s Next?
In the next tutorial, we’ll create API endpoints using DRF to interact with the Task model. Stay tuned for Part 2!
📌 Summary Checklist
✅ Set up a virtual environment
✅Installed Django and DRF
✅Created a Django project and app
✅ Configured DRF in
✅ Defined a Task model
✅ Ran migrations to apply database changes
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